rtmidi package


rtmidi.midiconstants module

Definitions of midi events, controller numbers and parameters.


Return True if the given byte is a MIDI status byte, False otherwise.

rtmidi.midiutil module

Collection of utility functions for handling MIDI I/O and ports.

Currently contains functions to list MIDI input/output ports, to get the RtMidi API to use from the environment and to open MIDI ports.


Return RtMidi API specified in the environment if any.

If the optional api argument is rtmidi.API_UNSPECIFIED (the default), look in the environment variable RTMIDI_API for the name of the RtMidi API to use. Valid names are LINUX_ALSA, UNIX_JACK, MACOSX_CORE, WINDOWS_MM and RTMIDI_DUMMY. If no valid value is found, rtmidi.API_UNSPECIFIED will be used.

Returns a rtmidi.API_* constant.

rtmidi.midiutil.list_available_ports(ports=None, midiio=None)[source]

List MIDI ports given or available on given MIDI I/O instance.


List available MIDI input ports.

Optionally the RtMidi API can be passed with the api argument. If not it will be determined via the get_api_from_environment function.



Raised when RtMidi backend initialization fails.


List available MIDI output ports.

Optionally the RtMidi API can be passed with the api argument. If not it will be determined via the get_api_from_environment function.



Raised when RtMidi backend initialization fails.

rtmidi.midiutil.open_midiinput(port=None, api=0, use_virtual=False, interactive=True, client_name=None, port_name=None)[source]

Open a MIDI port for input and return a MidiIn instance and port name.

See the open_midiport function for information on parameters, return types and possible exceptions.

rtmidi.midiutil.open_midioutput(port=None, api=0, use_virtual=False, interactive=True, client_name=None, port_name=None)[source]

Open a MIDI port for output and return a MidiOut instance and port name.

See the open_midiport function for information on parameters, return types and possible exceptions.

rtmidi.midiutil.open_midiport(port=None, type_='input', api=0, use_virtual=False, interactive=True, client_name=None, port_name=None)[source]

Open MIDI port for in-/output and return MidiIn/-Out instance and port name.



A MIDI port number or (substring of) a port name or None.

Available ports are enumerated starting from zero separately for input and output ports. If only a substring of a port name is given, the first matching port is used.


Must be "input" or "output". Determines whether a MidiIn or MidiOut instance will be created and returned.


Select the low-level MIDI API to use. Defaults to API_UNSPECIFIED, The specified api will be passed to the get_api_from_environment function and its return value will be used. If it’s API_UNSPECIFIED the first compiled-in API, which has any input resp. output ports available, will be used.


If port is None, should a virtual MIDI port be opened? Defaults to False.


If port is None or no MIDI port matching the port number or name is available, should the user be prompted on the console whether to open a virtual MIDI port (if use_virtual is True) and/or with a list of available MIDI ports and the option to choose one? Defaults to True.


The name of the MIDI client passed when instantiating a MidiIn or MidiOut object.

See the documentation of the constructor for these classes for the default values and caveats and OS-dependent ideosyncracies regarding the client name.


The name of the MIDI port passed to the open_port or open_virtual_port method of the new MidiIn or MidiOut instance.

See the documentation of the open_port resp. open_virtual_port methods for the default values and caveats when wanting to change the port name afterwards.


A two-element tuple of a new MidiIn or MidiOut instance and the name of the MIDI port which was opened.


KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError

Raised when the user presses Control-C or Control-D during a console prompt.


Raised when RtMidi backend initialization fails.


Raised when no MIDI input or output ports (depending on what was requested) are available.


Raised when an invalid port number or name is passed and interactive is False.

rtmidi.version module

Module contents

A Python binding for the RtMidi C++ library implemented using Cython.


RtMidi is a set of C++ classes which provides a concise and simple, cross-platform API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime MIDI input / output across Linux (ALSA & JACK), macOS / OS X (CoreMIDI & JACK), and Windows (MultiMedia System) operating systems.

python-rtmidi is a Python binding for RtMidi implemented using Cython and provides a thin wrapper around the RtMidi C++ interface. The API is basically the same as the C++ one but with the naming scheme of classes, methods and parameters adapted to the Python PEP-8 conventions and requirements of the Python package naming structure. python-rtmidi supports Python 3 (3.8+).

Usage example

Here’s a short example of how to use python-rtmidi to open the first available MIDI output port and send a middle C note on MIDI channel 1:

import time
import rtmidi

midiout = rtmidi.MidiOut()
available_ports = midiout.get_ports()

if available_ports:
    midiout.open_virtual_port("My virtual output")

with midiout:
    note_on = [0x90, 60, 112] # channel 1, middle C, velocity 112
    note_off = [0x80, 60, 0]

del midiout


Low-level APIs

These constants are returned by the get_compiled_api function and the MidiIn.get_current_api resp. MidiOut.get_current_api methods and are used to specify the low-level MIDI backend API to use when creating a MidiIn or MidiOut instance.


Use first compiled-in API, which has any input resp. output ports


macOS (OS X) CoreMIDI


Linux ALSA


Jack Client


Windows MultiMedia


RtMidi Dummy API (used when no suitable API was found)



Error types

These constants are passed as the first argument to an error handler function registered with set_error_callback method of a MidiIn or MidiOut instance. For the meaning of each value, please see the RtMidi API reference.














Return the name of a specified MIDI API.

This returns a short lower-case name used for identification purposes.

The api should be given as the one of API_* constants in the module namespace, e.g.:

name = rtmidi.get_api_name(rtmidi.API_UNIX_JACK)

If the API is unknown, this function will return the empty string.


Return the display name of a specified MIDI API.

This returns a long name used for display purposes.

The api should be given as the one of API_* constants in the module namespace, e.g.:

display_name = rtmidi.get_api_display_name(rtmidi.API_UNIX_JACK)

If the API is unknown, this function will return the empty string.


Return a list of low-level MIDI backend APIs this module supports.

Check for support for a particular API by using the API_* constants in the module namespace, i.e.:

if rtmidi.API_UNIX_JACK in rtmidi.get_compiled_api():

Return the compiled MIDI API having the given name.

A case insensitive comparison will check the specified name against the list of compiled APIs, and return the one which matches. On failure, the function returns API_UNSPECIFIED.


Return the version string of the wrapped RtMidi library.


class rtmidi.RtMidiError(msg, type=None)

Base general RtMidi exception.

All other exceptions in this module derive from this exception.

Instances have a type attribute that maps to one of the ERRORTYPE_* constants.

class rtmidi.InvalidPortError(msg, type=None)

Raised when an invalid port number is used.

Also derives from ValueError.

class rtmidi.InvalidUseError(msg, type=None)

Raised when an method call is not allowed in the current state.

Also derives from RuntimeError.

class rtmidi.MemoryAllocationError(msg, type=None)

Raised if a memory allocation failed on the C++ level.

Also derives from MemoryError.

class rtmidi.NoDevicesError(msg, type=None)

Raised if no MIDI devices are found.

Derives from rtmidi.SystemError.

class rtmidi.SystemError(msg, type=None)

Raised if an error happened at the MIDI driver or OS level.

Also derives from OSError.

class rtmidi.UnsupportedOperationError(msg, type=None)

Raised if a method is not supported by the low-level API.

Also derives from RuntimeError.


class rtmidi.MidiIn

Midi input client interface.

rtmidi.MidiIn(rtapi=API_UNSPECIFIED, name="RtMidi Client", queue_size_limit=1024)

You can specify the low-level MIDI backend API to use via the rtapi keyword or the first positional argument, passing one of the module-level API_* constants. You can get a list of compiled-in APIs with the module-level get_compiled_api function. If you pass API_UNSPECIFIED (the default), the first compiled-in API, which has any input ports available, will be used.

You can optionally pass a name for the MIDI client with the name keyword or the second positional argument. Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes. The default name is "RtMidiIn Client".


With some backend APIs (e.g. ALSA), the client name is set by the first MidiIn or MidiOut created by your program and does not change unless you either use the set_client_name method, or until all MidiIn and MidiOut instances are deleted and then a new one is created.

The queue_size_limit argument specifies the size of the internal ring buffer in which incoming MIDI events are placed until retrieved via the get_message method (i.e. when no callback function is registered). The default value is 1024 (overriding the default value 100 of the underlying C++ RtMidi library).



Raised when the RtMidi backend initialization fails. The execption message should have more information on the cause of the error.


Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for a parameter.


Remove the registered callback function for MIDI input.

This can be safely called even when no callback function has been registered.


Remove the registered callback function for errors.

This can be safely called even when no callback function has been registered and reinstates the default error handler.


De-allocate pointer to C++ class instance.


the instance must not be used anymore after calling this method, otherwise the program will crash with a segmentation fault!

The reason this potentially dangerous method exists is that in some cases it is desirable to destroy the internal RtMidiIn C++ class instance with immediate effect, thereby closing the backend MIDI API client and all the ports it opened. By merely using del on the rtmidi.MidiIn Python instance, the destruction of the C++ instance may be delayed for an arbitrary amount of time, until the Python garbage collector cleans up the instance.


Return the low-level MIDI backend API used by this instance.

Use this by comparing the returned value to the module-level API_* constants, e.g.:

midiin = rtmidi.MidiIn()

if midiin.get_current_api() == rtmidi.API_UNIX_JACK:
    print("Using JACK API for MIDI input.")

Poll for MIDI input.

Checks whether a MIDI event is available in the input buffer and returns a two-element tuple with the MIDI message and a delta time. The MIDI message is a list of integers representing the data bytes of the message, the delta time is a float representing the time in seconds elapsed since the reception of the previous MIDI event.

The function does not block. When no MIDI message is available, it returns None.


Return the number of available MIDI input or output ports.

get_port_name(self, unsigned int port, encoding=u'auto')

Return the name of the MIDI input or output port with given number.

Ports are numbered from zero, separately for input and output ports. The number of available ports is returned by the get_port_count method.

The port name is decoded to a (unicode) string with the encoding given by encoding. If encoding is "auto" (the default), then an appropriate encoding is chosen based on the system and the used backend API. If encoding is None, the name is returned un-decoded, i.e. as type bytes.

get_ports(self, encoding='auto')

Return a list of names of available MIDI input or output ports.

The list index of each port name corresponds to its port number.

The port names are decoded to (unicode) strings with the encoding given by encoding. If encoding is "auto" (the default), then an appropriate encoding is chosen based on the system and the used backend API. If encoding is None, the names are returned un-decoded, i.e. as type bytes.

ignore_types(self, sysex=True, timing=True, active_sense=True)

Enable/Disable input filtering of certain types of MIDI events.

By default System Exclusive (aka sysex), MIDI Clock and Active Sensing messages are filtered from the MIDI input and never reach your code, because they can fill up input buffers very quickly.

To receive them, you can selectively disable the filtering of these event types.

To enable reception - i.e. turn off the default filtering - of sysex messages, pass sysex = False.

To enable reception of MIDI Clock, pass timing = False.

To enable reception of Active Sensing, pass active_sense = False.

These arguments can of course be combined in one call, and they all default to True.

If you enable reception of any of these event types, be sure to either use an input callback function, which returns quickly or poll for MIDI input often. Otherwise you might lose MIDI input because the input buffer overflows.

Windows note: the Windows Multi Media API uses fixed size buffers for the reception of sysex messages, whose number and size is set at compile time. Sysex messages longer than the buffer size can not be received properly when using the Windows Multi Media API.

The default distribution of python-rtmidi sets the number of sysex buffers to four and the size of each to 8192 bytes. To change these values, edit the RT_SYSEX_BUFFER_COUNT and RT_SYSEX_BUFFER_SIZE preprocessor defines in RtMidi.cpp and recompile.


Return True if a port has been opened and False if not.


The isPortOpen method of the RtMidi C++ library does not return True when a virtual port has been openend. The python-rtmidi implementation, on the other hand, does.

open_port(self, unsigned int port=0, name=None)

Open the MIDI input or output port with the given port number.

Only one port can be opened per MidiIn or MidiOut instance. An InvalidUseError exception is raised if an attempt is made to open a port on a MidiIn or MidiOut instance, which already opened a (virtual) port.

You can optionally pass a name for the RtMidi port with the name keyword or the second positional argument. Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes. The default name is “RtMidi input” resp. “RtMidi output”.


Closing a port and opening it again with a different name does not change the port name. To change the port name, use the set_port_name method where supported, or delete its instance, create a new one and open the port again giving a different name.



Raised when an invalid port number is passed.


Raised when trying to open a MIDI port when a (virtual) port has already been opened by this instance.


Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for the port or name parameter.

open_virtual_port(self, name=None)

Open a virtual MIDI input or output port.

Only one port can be opened per MidiIn or MidiOut instance. An InvalidUseError exception is raised if an attempt is made to open a port on a MidiIn or MidiOut instance, which already opened a (virtual) port.

A virtual port is not connected to a physical MIDI device or system port when first opened. You can connect it to another MIDI output with the OS-dependent tools provided by the low-level MIDI framework, e.g. aconnect for ALSA, jack_connect for JACK, or the Audio & MIDI settings dialog for CoreMIDI.


Virtual ports are not supported by some backend APIs, namely the Windows MultiMedia API. You can use special MIDI drivers like MIDI Yoke or loopMIDI to provide hardware-independent virtual MIDI ports as an alternative.

You can optionally pass a name for the RtMidi port with the name keyword or the second positional argument. Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes. The default name is “RtMidi virtual input” resp. “RtMidi virtual output”.


Closing a port and opening it again with a different name does not change the port name. To change the port name, use the set_port_name method where supported, or delete its instance, create a new one and open the port again giving a different name.

Also, to close a virtual input port, you have to delete its MidiIn or MidiOut instance.



Raised when trying to open a virtual port when a (virtual) port has already been opened by this instance.


Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for the name parameter.


Raised when trying to open a virtual MIDI port with the Windows MultiMedia API, which doesn’t support virtual ports.

set_callback(self, func, data=None)

Register a callback function for MIDI input.

The callback function is called whenever a MIDI message is received and must take two arguments. The first argument is a two-element tuple with the MIDI message and a delta time, like the one returned by the get_message method. The second argument is value of the data argument passed to set_callback when the callback is registered. The value of data can be any Python object. It can be used inside the callback function to access data that would not be in scope otherwise.

Registering a callback function replaces any previously registered callback.

The callback function is safely removed when the input port is closed or the MidiIn instance is deleted.

set_client_name(self, name)

Set the name of the MIDI client.

Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes.

Currently only supported by the ALSA API backend.



Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for the name parameter.


Raised when trying the backend API does not support changing the client name.

set_error_callback(self, func, data=None)

Register a callback function for errors.

The callback function is called when an error occurs and must take three arguments. The first argument is a member of enum RtMidiError::Type, represented by one of the ERRORTYPE_* constants. The second argument is an error message. The third argument is the value of the data argument passed to this function when the callback is registered.


A default error handler function is registered on new instances of MidiIn and MidiOut, which turns errors reported by the C++ layer into custom exceptions derived from RtMidiError.

If you replace this default error handler, be aware that the exception handling in your code probably needs to be adapted.

Registering an error callback function replaces any previously registered error callback, including the above mentioned default error handler.

set_port_name(self, name)

Set the name of the currently opened port.

Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes.

Currently only supported by the ALSA and JACK API backends.



Raised when no port is currently opened.


Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for the name parameter.


Raised when trying the backend API does not support changing the port name.

class rtmidi.MidiOut

Midi output client interface.

rtmidi.MidiOut(rtapi=API_UNSPECIFIED, name="RtMidi Client")

You can specify the low-level MIDI backend API to use via the rtapi keyword or the first positional argument, passing one of the module-level API_* constants. You can get a list of compiled-in APIs with the module-level get_compiled_api function. If you pass API_UNSPECIFIED (the default), the first compiled-in API, which has any input ports available, will be used.

You can optionally pass a name for the MIDI client with the name keyword or the second positional argument. Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes. The default name is "RtMidiOut Client".


With some backend APIs (e.g. ALSA), the client name is set by the first MidiIn or MidiOut created by your program and does not change unless you either use the set_client_name method, or until all MidiIn and MidiOut instances are deleted and then a new one is created.



Raised when the RtMidi backend initialization fails. The execption message should have more information on the cause of the error.


Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for a parameter.


Remove the registered callback function for errors.

This can be safely called even when no callback function has been registered and reinstates the default error handler.


Close the MIDI input or output port opened via open_port.

It is safe to call this method repeatedly or if no port has been opened (yet) by this instance.

Also cancels a callback function set with set_callback.

To close a virtual port opened via open_virtual_port, you have to delete its MidiIn or MidiOut instance.


De-allocate pointer to C++ class instance.


the instance must not be used anymore after calling this method, otherwise the program will crash with a segmentation fault!

The reason this potentially dangerous method exists is that in some cases it is desirable to destroy the internal RtMidiOut C++ class instance with immediate effect, thereby closing the backend MIDI API client and all the ports it opened. By merely using del on the rtmidi.MidiOut Python instance, the destruction of the C++ instance may be delayed for an arbitrary amount of time, until the Python garbage collector cleans up the instance.


Return the low-level MIDI backend API used by this instance.

Use this by comparing the returned value to the module-level API_* constants, e.g.:

midiout = rtmidi.MidiOut()

if midiout.get_current_api() == rtmidi.API_UNIX_JACK:
    print("Using JACK API for MIDI output.")

Return the number of available MIDI input or output ports.

get_port_name(self, unsigned int port, encoding=u'auto')

Return the name of the MIDI input or output port with given number.

Ports are numbered from zero, separately for input and output ports. The number of available ports is returned by the get_port_count method.

The port name is decoded to a (unicode) string with the encoding given by encoding. If encoding is "auto" (the default), then an appropriate encoding is chosen based on the system and the used backend API. If encoding is None, the name is returned un-decoded, i.e. as type bytes.

get_ports(self, encoding='auto')

Return a list of names of available MIDI input or output ports.

The list index of each port name corresponds to its port number.

The port names are decoded to (unicode) strings with the encoding given by encoding. If encoding is "auto" (the default), then an appropriate encoding is chosen based on the system and the used backend API. If encoding is None, the names are returned un-decoded, i.e. as type bytes.


Return True if a port has been opened and False if not.


The isPortOpen method of the RtMidi C++ library does not return True when a virtual port has been openend. The python-rtmidi implementation, on the other hand, does.

open_port(self, unsigned int port=0, name=None)

Open the MIDI input or output port with the given port number.

Only one port can be opened per MidiIn or MidiOut instance. An InvalidUseError exception is raised if an attempt is made to open a port on a MidiIn or MidiOut instance, which already opened a (virtual) port.

You can optionally pass a name for the RtMidi port with the name keyword or the second positional argument. Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes. The default name is “RtMidi input” resp. “RtMidi output”.


Closing a port and opening it again with a different name does not change the port name. To change the port name, use the set_port_name method where supported, or delete its instance, create a new one and open the port again giving a different name.



Raised when an invalid port number is passed.


Raised when trying to open a MIDI port when a (virtual) port has already been opened by this instance.


Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for the port or name parameter.

open_virtual_port(self, name=None)

Open a virtual MIDI input or output port.

Only one port can be opened per MidiIn or MidiOut instance. An InvalidUseError exception is raised if an attempt is made to open a port on a MidiIn or MidiOut instance, which already opened a (virtual) port.

A virtual port is not connected to a physical MIDI device or system port when first opened. You can connect it to another MIDI output with the OS-dependent tools provided by the low-level MIDI framework, e.g. aconnect for ALSA, jack_connect for JACK, or the Audio & MIDI settings dialog for CoreMIDI.


Virtual ports are not supported by some backend APIs, namely the Windows MultiMedia API. You can use special MIDI drivers like MIDI Yoke or loopMIDI to provide hardware-independent virtual MIDI ports as an alternative.

You can optionally pass a name for the RtMidi port with the name keyword or the second positional argument. Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes. The default name is “RtMidi virtual input” resp. “RtMidi virtual output”.


Closing a port and opening it again with a different name does not change the port name. To change the port name, use the set_port_name method where supported, or delete its instance, create a new one and open the port again giving a different name.

Also, to close a virtual input port, you have to delete its MidiIn or MidiOut instance.



Raised when trying to open a virtual port when a (virtual) port has already been opened by this instance.


Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for the name parameter.


Raised when trying to open a virtual MIDI port with the Windows MultiMedia API, which doesn’t support virtual ports.

send_message(self, message)

Send a MIDI message to the output port.

The message must be passed as an iterable yielding integers, each element representing one byte of the MIDI message.

Normal MIDI messages have a length of one to three bytes, but you can also send System Exclusive messages, which can be arbitrarily long, via this method.

No check is made whether the passed data constitutes a valid MIDI message but if it is longer than 3 bytes, the value of the first byte must be a start-of-sysex status byte, i.e. 0xF0.


with some backend APIs (notably `WINDOWS_MM) this function blocks until the whole message is sent.



Raised if message argument is empty or more than 3 bytes long and not a SysEx message.

set_client_name(self, name)

Set the name of the MIDI client.

Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes.

Currently only supported by the ALSA API backend.



Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for the name parameter.


Raised when trying the backend API does not support changing the client name.

set_error_callback(self, func, data=None)

Register a callback function for errors.

The callback function is called when an error occurs and must take three arguments. The first argument is a member of enum RtMidiError::Type, represented by one of the ERRORTYPE_* constants. The second argument is an error message. The third argument is the value of the data argument passed to this function when the callback is registered.


A default error handler function is registered on new instances of MidiIn and MidiOut, which turns errors reported by the C++ layer into custom exceptions derived from RtMidiError.

If you replace this default error handler, be aware that the exception handling in your code probably needs to be adapted.

Registering an error callback function replaces any previously registered error callback, including the above mentioned default error handler.

set_port_name(self, name)

Set the name of the currently opened port.

Names with non-ASCII characters in them have to be passed as a (unicode) str or UTF-8 encoded bytes.

Currently only supported by the ALSA and JACK API backends.



Raised when no port is currently opened.


Raised when an incompatible value type is passed for the name parameter.


Raised when trying the backend API does not support changing the port name.